Thymus disfunction and or missing thymus after OHS

Here are some related articles about immune system, thymus and Trisomy 21:

 "Defective thymic protein in DS mouse model. Very good study." ~Dixie

 "Abnormal thymus in DS and auto immune response. Note, celiac disease, hypothyroidism and several other difficulties associated with DS are auto immune related. Correcting abnormal thymus may even extend to prevention of auto immune diseases." ~Dixie

"The thymus is the major site of T cell production and a key organ of the immune system. Its natural involution during the course of life has cast doubts as to its importance for the integrity of our immunity in adulthood. We provide here an overview of the recent works focusing on the immunological evaluation of subjects thymectomized during early childhood due to cardiac surgery of congenital heart defects. These studies represent new advances in our appreciation of the role of the thymus in humans and more generally in our understanding of the development of immunosenescence."

From the abstract: "current best available evidence from nine case-control studies suggests that neonatal thymectomy affects peripheral T-cell populations both in the short- as well as long-term and results in premature immunosenescence. "

Heart Surgery: To Remove or Not to Remove?

Defective thymic progenitor development and mature T-cell responses in a mouse model for Down syndrome


Supplement with Thymic Protein A

ProBoost vs ProThyma---Here is what I found: ProThyma has 1 mcg of TPA and in pill form. Proboost is 4 mcg per packet. Both are sold in a 30 day supply. Rob sent me ProBoost to try. I really like that it is already loose (no crushing pills) and it ends up being way cheaper cause one packet goes for 3 days for my daughter who is 2. I open the packet, put it on a spoon and stick it under her tongue. It must taste good because she doesn't mind one bit.

"A choline rich diet may help regenerate a thymus that is partially removed or involuted. "

 "A new study that I think may be tied to problems with thymus (and related to Science Daily Article above... "Thymus Teaches Immune Cells to Ignore Vital Gut Bacteria"

it is better to take it one hour after eating because of the digestive enzymes." Thanks for the tip Marsha!
Gretchen Clavey Per Dixie, "as long as a portion of the thymus remains [after open heart surgery] colostrum will regenerate it."
Marsha Scheitlin Awesome work, both of you! Dixie, what about use in autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto's and Graves? I would assume that caution could be warranted in such situations? Gretchen Clavey, I'll have to read up on some of your posts on autoimmunity and the thymus.
Marsha Scheitlin Sondack Marnina read what Dixie said - it should be encouraging.
Marsha Scheitlin Gretchen Clavey From the first study that you posted - the abstract says.. "The present study suggests that abnormal thymic architecture and decreased expression of functionally important molecules in thymic stromal cells may be involved in immunologi...See More
Dixie Lawrence Marsha Scheitlin microRNA-155 has been identified as the culprit in autoimmune diseases in DS. Hashimotos, Graves, etc. So the first line of defense is to down regulate that microRNA. Resveratrol will take care of that. TPA may help in addition.
Marsha Scheitlin Dixie Could you tag me or show me where the info on relationship between miRNA-155 and autoimmune disease it? I would like to see it. Thanks!
Dixie Lawrence Marsha Scheitlin do a search on this site for JUNE 22 2015. In all caps. It contains a lot of research on microRNA-155 and various issues including auto immune disorders.
Marsha Scheitlin I'll just add this - based on research on miRNA-155 that I did back a few years ago. I'm not saying that BRCA1 has any bearing in DS but there was some connection to Curcumin and breast cancer. I did know about the study concerning Resveratrol and mi...See More
Gretchen Clavey Marsha, do you think there is any reason to avoid giving the TPA with the Nighttime Formula??
Marsha Scheitlin Gretchen I think that would be a good question for eitherDixie or Rob from Int'l Nutrition.
